Wicklow County Council recently organised a meeting in Ashford: “Let’s Get Buzzing! Community Actions for Biodiversity”. A range of presentations covering swifts (installing nest boxes to encourage nesting), biodiversity’s role in climate action, waterways and the all-Ireland pollinator plan informed all present of the immediacy of retaining our biodiversity. Leaving uncut grass; growing openpollinated flower varieties; maintaining corridors to connect habitat suitable for wildlife, clean water, fish passes; creating habitat for nesting solitary bees – it transpires that bumblebees and solitary bees are far more important for pollination than honey bees, so are essential for many of our crop foods. Daffodils, those wonderfully cheerful harbingers of spring, sadly are not pollinated by bees, so be sure to plant other spring flowers as well. The All-Ireland Pollinator Plan (available on-line) provides invaluable, detailed information regarding pollinators, for individuals, groups, townies, farmers – everyone. If we all do a little, a lot can be achieved: by providing the correct habitat, there will be more insects, which both pollinate our food and provide food for wildlife, enriching life all round.