As a new year dawns, the most talked about and seemingly pressing topic
remains Covid19, perhaps followed by the last-minute Brexit/EU deal.
However, an even more urgent problem has not disappeared – the
ominous and ever-present threat of the effects of climate change. It will
come to prominence again when Ireland is hit by a vicious storm, or
blizzard or drought. During Lockdown, many appreciated the quieter skies
and roads and cleaner air, while also enjoying the more obvious signs of
nature and wildlife. This demonstrated clearly how a reduction in human
activities lessened the impact on our environment. It should not be too
difficult for each of us to make a list of how we can live more sustainably –
maybe by turning down the thermostat in our homes and offices while
improving their insulation, investing in warm winter clothes for cold
weather, driving less while cycling and walking more, holidaying closer to
home rather than flying to far-flung destinations (when holidays are
possible again), growing more of our own vegetables and fruit, buying
local, in-season food, reducing the use of plastic, wasting less. The list
goes on. We can all play our part in becoming “greener” citizens.