The Eco-congregation movement aims to encourage churches to celebrate
the gift of God’s creation, to recognise the interdependence of all creation,
and to care for it in their life and mission, and through the members’
personal lifestyles.
In Ireland, Eco-congregation has been developed in co-operation with the
four main churches, Roman Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist and Church
of Ireland. It offers three key components: Resources, designed to fit into
and enhance Church life and mission; Support, suggesting ways in which
churches may avail of local specialist help; and the Eco-congregation
award, affirming churches’ good environmental work and witness to the
local community.
Parishes are encouraged to increase their awareness of the deadly
challenge of climate change, and to develop projects and initiatives in
spiritual, practical and community focussed areas.
This is something in which all can be involved, to a greater or lesser extent
as they choose, but it is an important practical way in which to give thanks
to God for the wonders of His creation, and to make our Harvest
Thanksgiving a reality throughout the seasons.