The vestry has formed an eco-congregation sub-committee which is chaired by Stella Mews. She writes:
“We who belong to our churches are well aware that ‘all good gifts around us are sent from heaven above’, but we also know that we have a growing part to play in our endeavour to save our planet from destruction, caused by our selfish activities over many years.
When Whitechurch parish chose Killiskey parish as its Eco-congregation partner for mentoring, the most immediate issues identified included preparing an area at the back of the church for a Wild-flower garden, and the provision of a tree to assist the young bats from our belfry in their early flights. A semi-mature Rowan tree (Sorbus) has now been planted at the side of the church, and soon the covers will come off the area for the Wild Glower Garde. Do take time to see our new tree, and to enjoy Spring in the church grounds!”