June 2024
June often sees the brightening of ditches and village and townscapes, with cascades of both native and domestic flowers dotting the roadsides. Flowering plants can be expensive to buy, with many being imported from overseas. To reduce the cost, both to one’s pocket and the environment (in terms of air miles and the possibility of importing plant diseases), it is a good idea to sow flower seeds oneself. It is immensely satisfying to observe the first leaves burst out of the ground and, within a matter of weeks, turn into a brilliant display of colour. Of course, if you don’t have the time or inclination to sow seeds, many garden centres supply a great variety of seedlings and these can be potted on (buy Irish plants where possible). For those who enjoy having cut flowers in the house, sweet pea, as one example, is easy to grow and goes on flowering for weeks, provided the flowers are cut regularly. Towards the end of the season, seeds can be let form and these can be saved for sowing the next year. This is better than buying imported cut flowers. Growing pollinator friendly flowers is a bonus for wildlife too. Enjoy!