ECO Tips—Water and Food Supplies

Widespread drought has been of particular concern this summer. In Ireland we need to take decisive action NOW to ensure that we have adequate supplies of water and food in the future. In addition to national strategies (re water supplies, increasing the diversity of crops we grow), we can all play our part individually. Storing water in rainwater barrels and not wasting water both have immediate positive effects. Growing our own fruit and vegetables is hugely beneficial, both in terms of the quality of food we eat and of our weekly grocery costs; additionally, it reduces food miles (the distance food is transported). Buying local food is possibly where we can have the largest, positive impact. As supermarkets continue to import cheap food from abroad, so Irish suppliers are being priced out of the market. To ensure continued food security, that trend needs to be reversed, as many countries now supplying us with food are facing increasingly unfavourable growing conditions. Cheap food is often bought in bulk and so wasted; paying slightly more for high quality, local produce that will all be consumed is more sustainable. Organic farmer and artist Lisa Fingleton has challenged us to eat only Irish grown food for the month of September. If this is too difficult to achieve, try it even for one meal each day.