The Environmental Impact of Flying

While war looms to the east, it is painfully easy to focus all our attention on the desperate plight that so many will face should war occur. However, we also need to keep our minds tuned to the increasingly ominous threat from climate change. To have even the remotest chance of limiting global temperature increase, we all need to make substantial and, for some, unpalatable, behavioural changes. One example is travel. As covid restrictions are lifted, people are flocking to airports to fly to sunnier or snowier climes for foreign holidays, which are now widely regarded as a “human right”. Banning such holidays is currently impractical but it has been mooted by some that the numbers of cheap flights per person could be limited, the extra flights being charged at rates appropriate to help cover the environmental cost. Not popular to so many, but bear in mind that future generations also have a “human right” – a sustainable, liveable world. If we continue without modifying our lifestyles, the climate in our children’s and grandchildren’s lifetimes will be even more tumultuous than it currently is.