Together with the Revd. William Olhausen, Ken Rue is leading a Diocesan group on a pilgrimage to Jordan, Palestine and Israel from 3rd to 14th November. Twenty-eight people are travelling and will not only visit the holy sites but also interact with local Christians and others to gain an insight into what life is like in the Middle East from religious and political standpoints.
Archbishop Jackson has written the following prayer for the Diocese of Jerusalem which you might like to pray:
God, throughout human history you have heard the cry of your people when they turn to you for help and healing, for merciful belonging and for new life. Bless those who today tend the flame of witness to your kindly presence in the Land of The Holy One. Give grace and protection to the bishop, the clergy and people in the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and the Middle East who heed your command to love God and neighbour with courage and with generosity. Bless those who in the United Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough build partnership, solidarity and friendship with the peoples of The Middle East at this time of harrowing and of hope. We ask this in the name of God Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.