Early summer puts on a glorious display of colour as plants burst vigorously into life. Grasses and wildflowers proliferate – given the chance. Lawns are frequently cut very regularly and very low, offering no refuge for insects or frogs, while wildflowers are deprived the chance of blooming and providing nectar and, later, seeds for insects and birds. Most gardens could support an unmown corner or edge. Paths mown through longer grass provide access to other parts of the garden and offer a beneficial alternative to vast expanses of bare lawn. In acknowledgement of our biodiversity crisis, tidy town groups, county councils etc. are veering away from “over tidiness” and are now mowing less often and creating wildflower patches. The latter are not to be confused with modern flower beds, but instead play host to native wildflowers that offer the best refuge and food supply for our beleaguered wildlife. The riot of colours, including pink clover, yellow buttercups, pink and purple vetches are uplifting to nature lovers. Let us all learn to appreciate the value and beauty of these unmown areas. Crucially, don’t use herbicides in your garden or along rural verges, both for the health of the environment and ourselves – “Roundup” residues are increasingly being recorded in human bodies.