The incredibly dry and often sunny weather experienced since early March allowed
many in Lockdown to appreciate the joy of gardening. For some, it was an
extension of their normal spring-time ritual, for others it was a newly acquired
activity. The satisfaction of watching flowers grown from seed come into bloom
and of eating one’s own produce cannot be overestimated and it is hoped that
people new to gardening will continue this practice in future years. Seedlings,
however, need water. Rainwater can be collected from house, garage and shed
rooves. This prevents excessive use of water, from wells or mains, and also
rainwater is often better for plants than tap water. Many predict longer, drier and
hotter summers in the future due to climate change, so water collection will
become increasingly important. So, too, will water preservation. When running a
tap for hot water, the cold water can be saved into watering cans; ditto unused
jugs of table water, water bottles etc. Water saved in basins from showers can be
used to wash clothes, then to flush toilets or water flowers. Water saving sounds
extreme to some, but will become a way of life if wells run dry and mains supplies
are interrupted, as happened in the 2018 drought.