In order to assess the current and future needs of our growing parish and its parishioners it has been proposed that a working group be established to look at how we might best gather feedback and opinions from our parishioners and friends.
We want this initiative to include the views of as wide and diverse a range of those who have even a passing interest in the parish of Killiskey and its church at Nun’s Cross, from the oldest to the youngest, the longest standing parishioner and the newest arrival in the area. Doing so will help us plan effectively as we look to the future of this parish.
The group will work independently of the Select Vestry and report on its findings, once the work is completed. We hope that people representative of different groups within the parish, along with representatives of the Select Vestry might be willing to be part of the working group to steer this project. Should you be interested in being part of this working group, please contact Tony Dunne on 01 – 2811127 or before the 15th of July 2022.