Killiskey Parish
Nun’s Cross Church is the parish church of Killiskey Parish. Killskey is a Church of Ireland parish in the United Dioceses of Dublin and Glendalough.
We are a friendly and welcoming group of people who aim to support each other, to worship together, and to reach out to the wider community.
We seek to become an ever more prayerful and caring church with a
commitment to listening to God’s word in the Bible. Our primary call is to
love and serve God. Our task is to carry out God’s plan, to “make disciples of all
We plan to do this by:
(a) witness beyond our membership, sharing our faith, using our skills and resources;
(b) welcoming people of all ages and backgrounds;
(c) worship which enables all to express their faith; and
(d) maintenance of administration, communication and a building which is fit for purpose.
The Church of Ireland is a member Church of the Anglican Communion, a family of independent Churches in full communion with each other and with the See of Canterbury.
We are disciples of Jesus Christ, worshippers of God the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and subscribers to the Creeds of the early Church.
In keeping with Anglican theology, our beliefs and practices derive from Scripture, reason and tradition. We are Catholic in holding all the Christian faith in its fullness and being part of the one worldwide Church of God. We are Reformed in believing that the Church’s life should be aligned with Scripture and that the Church should only require its members to believe those doctrines to which Scripture bears witness.
We rejoice in the progress on unity made by the ecumenical movement and we seek to remove obstacles to full communion between Christians and to gain from the insight and experience of others. We provide a context in which people of diverse views on theology and liturgy can live and worship together.
We regard worship as a priority for every Christian. In particular, we see the Holy Communion (the Eucharist) as the main way in which church members celebrate their love for God and for each other and become renewed as the Body of Christ for mission and service.